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2 Important Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Get Organized

2 Important Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Get Organized | #getorganized #newyearsresolution #startorganizing

If there’s one thing I hear over and over from my clients and others, it’s that one of the most challenging parts of getting organized is starting. Many people don’t know where or how to start. And we all know what happens when you don’t know where or how to start. You.Don’t.Start. (Insert sad face here)

I want you to start! And I want you to succeed. But there are a few steps you’ll need to take before you can even begin to contemplate setting an organizing project in motion. Don’t toss anything in the trash. Refrain from buying cute bins and baskets. Read on.

In order for you to get organized and stay organized, it’s necessary to ask yourself two important questions.

What is my WHAT?


What is my WHY?

Yup. Ask yourself those two questions. And grab either your phone or paper and pen to help you remember your answers. Let’s start with ‘your WHAT.’

Your WHAT = What do I want to get organized?

Is it…

-your clothing closet filled with multiple sizes?
-your basement filled with thirty years of accumulation?
-your overstuffed file cabinets?
-your overstuffed kitchen cabinets?

Coming up with answers to ‘What is my WHAT?’ is the easier of the two questions to answer. Your WHAT is the part that is usually easy to determine because you come in contact with it all the time in your home. You see your WHAT on a daily or weekly basis so it’s easy to name. Write it down.

Next, consider your WHY.

Your WHY = WHY do I want it to be organized?

also know as…

WHY do I want to get my ‘WHAT’ organized?

This is the more challenging of the two questions. Asking yourself WHY requires that you dig deep for answers.  The answers may not be simple ones and may require the examination of past habits and patterns as well as the reflection of past decisions and choices. Pay attention to your feelings and take time to understand them. I know–easier said than done. But, being honest with yourself and your struggle to get organized will benefit you short-term and in the long run.

Let’s get back to figuring out your WHY

WHY do YOU want to get organized? You might say…

“I’m tired of running late because I can’t find the clothes in my closet that fit me. I want to organize my closet in order to be able to get dressed in less than ten minutes. I want to look good and feel good and not start my day off stressed out anymore.”


“I’ve been spending a lot of money in credit card late fees. I want to create an organized bill paying system so I can pay my bills on time, stop wasting money, and eventually raise my low credit score. I can’t save for a down payment on a house if I’m letting money slip through my fingers. I’ll never be able to buy a home if my credit score prevents me from getting a mortgage.”


“I’m exhausted from always running to the supermarket at the end of my work day. I want to organize my kitchen cabinets for meal planning. I don’t want to do the ‘5 o’clock scramble’ anymore! Knowing in advance what my family and I are eating for dinner will save me time and money and may even help me eat more healthily and lose weight.”

Whatever your WHY is, write it on a post-it and hang it somewhere you’ll see it often. Make it your screen saver or your phone’s wallpaper. Keep it on a card in your wallet. Don’t lose sight of it. During the organizing process, you might feel stuck, frustrated, or overwhelmed. Go back and look at your WHY.

Your WHY will focus you and keep you on track to complete your organizing tasks.

Your WHY is there to remind you WHY you’re working hard to get organized.

Your WHY will motivate you to move forward towards your personal organizing finish line.

Just by knowing your WHAT and your WHY, you’re ready to take the next step on your path to a more organized life.

What is your WHAT and what is your WHY?

Click the image below to print a *free* worksheet to help you think about more than just your WHAT and your WHY!

Six Questions to Ask Yourself When You Don't Know Where to Start Organizing - *free* download | #getorganized #startorganizing #wheretostartorganizingyourhome

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Categories: Basic Organizing Principles, Closet, Free Download, Kitchen, Time

8 responses to “2 Important Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Get Organized”

  1. You are such a great writer, Stacey! I love how you set up the two important questions- the what and the why. I’m familiar with the why. And while the “what” is familiar too, I’ve never heard it described in this way- “What is your what?” I love that! I agree that the what is often much easier to figure out than the why. But it is the why that will drive the success of the outcome.

    • Stacey Agin Murray says:

      It takes one to know one, Linda! Thanks so much. It’s so easy to forget ‘why’ we want to get organized or reach a similar goal. Eliminating old patterns and learning new habits can overwhelm us and make us want to jump off the ‘goal-reaching train.’ The ‘why’ keeps our eye on the prize!

  2. This is excellent. It’s imperative to get to the root of finding organizational peace for the process to end up in success. You sum up a lot of common scenarios and questions really well. I know a lot of people can relate to this!

    • Stacey Agin Murray says:

      Thanks, Melanie. Our ‘why’ moves us forward. It starts inside–inside our brains and hearts and motivates us to reach whatever goal we’re trying to attain. These goals could be getting organized, saving for a large purchase, getting healthy, or any goal that leads us to our ‘best life.’ Who, What, Where, and When are the facts but ‘Why’ can both scare and excite us. It helps us change patterns and habits that aren’t working and instead, ‘why’ motivates us to improve our life.

  3. Julie Bestry says:

    I love ascertaining the what and the why before actually doing the organized. From a four-year-old’s “why?” to Simon Sinek’s “why?” that’s essential. Everyone can say, “I want to organize the closet” or “I want to organize my files,” but the why determines everything from how detailed it needs to be to how much money, time, and effort you want to put into accomplishing it. The why of satisfying your mother-in-law is very different from the why of feeling in control of your life! Great concepts!

    • Stacey Agin Murray says:

      The ‘why’ makes it all clear to us. I like how you say that it also determines the details–that makes total sense, too. I’m going to have to look up those Simon Sinek ‘Why’ videos. Who knew that three little letters in one short word could have so much meaning?

  4. I had to read “What is your What?” at least twice to get what you meant, but I tend to read too quickly, so that’s a good thing! I love that you’ve simplified this down to two key questions to help us get focused before we dive into any project – not just organizing!

    • Stacey Agin Murray says:

      ‘What’ and ‘Why’ set the stage for the project while ‘when, where, and how’ come next and make the project happen, move forward, and come to life. Who knew all those words we learned about in Writing class would come in handy for getting organized?

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