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Anniversary Post – Thirteen Years of Blogging

Anniversary Post: Thirteen Years of Blogging | #organizingblog #bloganniversary #organizedblogger

It’s my 13th ‘blogiversary!’ Lucky number 13!

And on top of that, this summer I celebrated twenty years in business. I’m not sure which milestone is more mind-blowing???

I started this blog the day I dropped my son off at his first day of preschool. Other parents may have driven to work, headed to a supermarket or the gym after drop-off but I hightailed it back to my home office so I could write my first Organized Artistry blog post. When I started my business in 2002, I was writing helpful organizing articles and posting them on my website. A few years in, I discovered the Blogger platform and started blogging my organizing tips and ideas there. Shortly afterward, I went through a total logo/website redesign and merged my Blogger blog with my new WordPress website.

Since writing my first anniversary post, I’ve set goals for my blog and last year was no different.

In 2021-22 I decided that I would set out to…

• Create a round-up blog post
• Create downloadable printables in Canva for my most popular blog posts
• Invite guest bloggers to share their posts

Of the three goals, I only accomplished one this past year. I did not invite any guest bloggers, and I didn’t coordinate a round-up blog post but I did create those printables! As a former graphic designer, I guess of the three goals, this was the one I would have had the most fun executing.

My Tales of a Town-Wide Garage Sale post was blowing up on Pinterest (and continues to do so) so I decided to create a free download/printable to go with it. It’s called, 5 Tips for a Successful Garage Sale and can be found at the end of the post. After creating and uploading the garage sale printable, I gave myself a pat on the back for reaching one of my goals and created a few more downloadable printables for some of my other popular blog posts.

Inviting guest bloggers and curating a round-up post are two ideas that may still happen in my blog’s future. I’m not taking them off the table yet. But for now, I’m having fun designing those downloadable printables…

In earlier anniversary posts, I’ve stated that my goal was to blog 1x a month. It’s not such a far-fetched concept considering in the past I used to blog 2x a month, But, for now and the not-so-distant future, I have given up on the idea of trying to blog 1x a month. It hasn’t happened the past few years and I often remind myself that it’s OK. I have an ongoing list of blog post ideas but lately, not an ongoing amount of time or brain-power. Instead, I’ve been slowly going back to older blog posts, updating the content, and adding a Canva graphic to make them ‘pinnable’ and visually appealing to post and share.

This year, for 2022-23 my blog goals are:

• Create a second Ted Talk blog post
• Continue to create downloadable printables for my popular blog posts
• Only have two goals for my blog this year.

The idea of the second Ted Talk blog post comes from my 2020-2021 goal list.

At a time when Ted Talks were gaining mainstream popularity, I decided to write a blog post featuring organizing-related TedTalks I thought people would find inspiring. Well, it seems that they did find them inspiring because it’s one of my most popular blog posts!

In early 2022, I revisited my goal from 2020-2021 and went looking for more organizing-related Ted Talks. For a variety of reasons, I just didn’t find what I was looking for. My 2022-2023 goal is to identify three to four Ted Talks that focus on organizing and write that second Ted Talk blog post. Could lightning strike twice? Are readers of my blog looking for more organizing-inspired Ted Talks? You’ll have to wait until 2023 to find out!

The child I took to preschool the day I started this blog has just started going on college tours. That, plus work, family life, and anything else I can fit in a day will make for a very busy year ahead. But, my blog goals are set for the year. In order to accomplish my goals, I’m going to give myself the same advice I’d give one of my clients: Take out your calendar and make an appointment with yourself to take the steps necessary to reach your goals!


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Categories: Anniversary Post, first post, Garage Sale, Pinterest

10 responses to “Anniversary Post – Thirteen Years of Blogging”

  1. Congratulations on your 13th Blogiversary! What an exciting milestone! What really struck me was how you described the day you started writing…dropping your son off to his first day of preschool. Fast forward to now and he’s taking college tours. WOW! Talk about time moving fast. How did that happen? And like the blog posts which are written one word, sentence, and post at a time, our kids grow up one minute, day, and year at a time. Both require energy, nurturing, and adjustments.

    You so beautifully described how you set goals, adjust, and make them work for you at all stages of life. Inspiring! I love how you are leaning into the fun stuff and letting go of goals that don’t resonate as deeply with you.

    Always enjoy reading your posts and look forward to reading many more. Congratulations again on all the milestones- 13th Blogiversary, 20th Year in Business, and raising your son who is college-tour ready!

    • Stacey Agin Murray says:

      Thanks so much for your kind words and wishes! It’s been a milestone kinda year. I’m not sure how thirteen years have flown by–let alone being in business for twenty. I’ve definitely slowed down when it comes to blogging. I felt two goals for the coming year was all I was going to be able to handle. Anything else I accomplish will be a bonus!

  2. Jana Arevalo says:

    Wow! This is a very cool way to keep up with your goals. I just finished my first year of blogging and am impressed that you have kept it up this long. Congratulations on 13 years! I look forward to seeing your TedTalk organization round up. What a neat idea.

    • Stacey Agin Murray says:

      Congratulations to you on your first year of blogging–keep up the writing!

      So many people have mentioned my Ted Talk roundup goal–I’m going to set reminders in my calendar to start curating Ted Talks. I hope I find ones as interesting, inspiring, and fun as the Ted Talks I found for my original post. Stay tuned in 2023!

  3. Julie Bestry says:

    It’s time for your blog to have a bat mitzvah! Mazel tov! Your printables required more labor than the other two posts combined. You can always ask your colleagues to submit posts to a round-up or write guest posts, but you focused on the thing that would require the most work, so you deserve a lot of credit.

    As for the TED talks, I suspect that there’s more on productivity than outright organizing, which makes me wonder whether we should have a NAPO project for helping develop TED Talks worthy of being shown off!

    Congrats on all your hard work!

    • Stacey Agin Murray says:

      Oy–it’s my BLOG Mitzvah!

      I got the idea of doing the original Ted Talk post when I was heavy into watching them. They were the perfect length for watching while walking on the treadmill. Then two months into COVID (and everyone in the house using the treadmill) our fourteen year old treadmill died and I didn’t get the opportunity to watch many Ted Talks (especially with everyone home ALL the time). We’re looking to get a new treadmill this winter and I will get back to watching Ted Talks–the perfect time for curating my next Ted Talk post!

  4. Seana Turner says:

    Wow, congratulations on your blogiversary! That’s so exciting, and I smiled as I was reading about your dashing back to write a blog post after dropping off at preschool.

    It takes tenacity to stay in the blogging game over a long period of time. I’ve always enjoyed reading whatever you write, so I am happy to see that you have goals for the future, even if they feel that they are modest.

    I wish you much joy in the next 13 years!

    • Stacey Agin Murray says:

      Thanks so much for your thoughtful words. I love your writing, too!

      I recall being excited for my son that first day of preschool and being excited for myself because I, like my three year old, was starting on a new adventure. Look how much we’ve both grown!

  5. I think you buried the lead. Congrats on 20 years in business, Stacey! Also I just re-watched all 4 of your first collection of TED talks and can’t wait to see what you pick for your next edition. I also love your goal of only having two goals for your blog this year, and will understand if something else replaces “TED talk blog post” on your list.

    • Stacey Agin Murray says:

      Thanks, Hazel!

      I’m putting that 2023 Ted Talk post on the top of my summertime to-do list. As COVID restrictions loosen, I’m sure more people will be doing Ted Talks and I’ll have new material to watch and consider for my round up post. It’s incredible how much one can learn in the span of only eighteen minutes.

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